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Esteves, Augusto, Bakker, Saskia, Antle, Alissa N., May, Aaron, Warren, Jillian, Oakley, Ian

The ATB Framework: Quantifying and Classifying Epistemic Strategies in Tangible Problem-Solving Tasks Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, pp. 13–20, Association for Computing Machinery, Stanford, California, USA, 2015, ISBN: 9781450333054.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: epistemic actions, event table, tangible interaction, video-coding


May, Aaron, Bizzocchi, Jim, Antle, Alissa N, Choo, Amber

Fraternal feelings: How brothers: A tale of two sons affects players through gameplay Proceedings Article

In: 2014 IEEE Games Media Entertainment, pp. 1–4, 2014.

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Esteves, Augusto, Bakker, Saskia, Antle, Alissa N., May, Aaron, Warren, Jillian, Oakley, Ian

Classifying Physical Strategies in Tangible Tasks: A Video-Coding Framework for Epistemic Actions Proceedings Article

In: CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1843–1848, Association for Computing Machinery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2014, ISBN: 9781450324748.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: epistemic action, tangible interaction, video coding

Antle, Alissa N., Warren, Jillian L., May, Aaron, Fan, Min, Wise, Alyssa F.

Emergent Dialogue: Eliciting Values during Children's Collaboration with a Tabletop Game for Change Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, pp. 37–46, Association for Computing Machinery, Aarhus, Denmark, 2014, ISBN: 9781450322720.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: children., Collaboration, digital tabletop, games for change, multitouch interaction, sustainability, tangible computing, youtopia


May, Aaron, Choo, Amber, Neustaedter, Carman, Antle, Alissa

A mixed-methods evaluation of nonverbal communication in collaborative video games Proceedings Article

In: 2013 IEEE International Games Innovation Conference (IGIC), pp. 169–174, 2013.

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