Research Creations¹

¹ This summary includes only research creation of technological systems and digital prototypes led, co-led and/or designed by Dr. Antle. This
summary does not include prototypes designed and built by students under Dr. Antle’s supervision.

Virtual Reality, Youth, and Mental Health

(2020 – 2022)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Virtual Reality, Youth, and Mental Health

(2020 – 2022)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Critical Reflection Card Set: Biowearables

(2019 – 2022)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Three PhonoBlocks Augmented Reality Reading Systems on Android Tablets

(2018 – 2020)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Brain-Computer Neurofeedback Self-Regulation Training App (Android):

Mind-Full Wind (2014)

Wild and Sky (next gen, nine games)


Mind-View (2014/2017)

All iOS (2019)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Critical Making (Bio)Wearables: Co-located and remote use versions

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Critical Reflection Card Set: Biowearables

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Three PhonoBlocks Augmented Reality Reading Systems on Android Tablets

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Brain-Computer Neurofeedback Self-Regulation Training App (Android):

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Critical Making (Bio)Wearables: Co-located and remote use versions

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Critical Reflection Card Set: Biowearables

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Three PhonoBlocks Augmented Reality Reading Systems on Android Tablets

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Brain-Computer Neurofeedback Self-Regulation Training App (Android):

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.

Critical Making (Bio)Wearables: Co-located and remote use versions

(2021 – ongoing)

Funders: NSERC RTI & NSERC Discovery RTI

Investigate the efficacy of using metaphor theory to improve learning in embodied interaction design.