Schedule for IDC 2020 Full Day Workshop
NOTE: This workshop will be held ONLINE due to COVID-19 concerns. As a result, the overall organization may change. Stay tuned for changes to the program. Thank you for your understanding!
This one-day workshop is split into six sections. The first section (45 minutes) includes introductions of participants, an explanation of workshop themes (including new ones that might arise from position papers) and a review of ethical stances and philosophical worldviews from other communities on the influence of science and technology. The second section (45 minutes) includes group activities for deeper exploration of the existing (or new) themes focused on balancing protection, participation and provision, and asks participants to consider what is known (retrospective) and what we need to know (prospective). After a morning coffee break, the third activity (60 minutes) involves a whole group session to share and prioritize issues raised. After lunch there will be two sequential activities separated by a coffee break (45 minutes each). In these working groups participants will discuss relevant guidance within a prioritized area. Where no guidance exists, groups will generate considerations and questions that must be addressed. We will repeat this activity so participants can join two working groups. During the final section (60-75 minutes and carrying on over dinner), the whole group will come together.